Coconuts. There's a lot to them.
Health conscious people love coconut water. Some celebrities use coconut oil to keep them looking young. Some ladies (and men) wear the shells as a bikini top. People even use them at fairs to win prizes, by throwing balls at them.
So now we've brought you this loco coconut fragranced air freshener, Coco Loco, to keep your coconut cravings at bay.
If you don't like coconuts, buy it for a friend.
If your friend doesn't like coconut, find a new friend (you can't have two people in a friendship group that dislike coconut, that's weird).
Right, back to the product.
Usage? Easy. Just spray it under your front seats or into the footwell carpet if it's dark in colour. A couple of squirts will keep your car smelling great for a few days. There's enough in this 100ml bottle for about 20-30 applications... potentially months of aromatic cabin action.
Storage - car glovebox, door bin or central console storage compartment. Always to hand, always handy. Especially if you give a lift to aromatically-challenged family members or pets.
Please note that spray air fresheners may stain light coloured headlining and overspray droplets may cause shiny spots. So wipe away any neat residue that falls on hard surfaces and avoid spraying onto light fabrics or materials. You may be able to squirt into ventilation grills but this usually leaves a residue that needs to be wiped off afterwards. The choice, dear customer, is yours. We just make the stuff.